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AI and The Future of Finance

Jason Schenker gave an interview in late 2023 about AI and The Future of Finance. This interview included an evaluation of historical trends of the past and data of the present to craft visions of the future for AI, finance, and technology.


ThinkJSOU: The Future of DOD and SOF Recruiting with Jason Schenker

This ThinkJSOU is a discussion between Mr. Doug Jordan, JSOU Professor of International Education and Security Cooperation; and Mr. Jason Schenker, futurist, economist, author and President of Prestige Economics and Chairman of The Futurist Institute. Mr. Schenker is also a JSOU non-resident fellow. In this video, Mr. Schenker provides unique perspective and analysis on the economic and demographic challenges to military recruiting and how this affects the ability of USSOCOM to achieve its mission objectives. Mr. Schenker also discusses potential solutions to address these challenges and improve DOD and SOF recruiting outcomes.


The Storm Before the Calm? Waiting for Normalcy in the Outlook for 2024 and Beyond.

A lively discussion of the economic, financial, and industry outlook for 2024 and beyond, including my 4 main expectations for 2024 - • Slowing growth. • Slowing job gains. • Slowly easing inflation. • Political hijinks. There's plenty of good news - Lots of jobs and a strong U.S. labor market, growth in the economy has been solid, inflation has eased, Fed policy rates are near their peak, and consumer debt delinquencies are low. But there's also some bad news - Global growth is slowing, corporate profits are under pressure, commercial real estate is at risk, and Cold War Two is ongoing. I also discussed coming sustainability regulation and their potential impacts.


Navigating the Economic, Financial, and AI Outlook in a Time of Uncertainty

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, discusses economic, financial, and technological shifts, risks, and opportunities for the decade ahead. This clip comes from a virtual keynote speech Jason Schenker gave to the AICPA and CIMA conference in August 2023.


The Future of Energy in a Time of Uncertainty

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, gave this keynote speech at a corporate event in Aberdeen, Scotland in late April 2023.


Founding, Funding, and Running a Startup in a Time of Economic and Financial Market Uncertainty

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, gave a keynote speech in March 2023 at SXSW, the premier U.S. annual technology and culture event in Austin, Texas. He discusses key economic and financial risks to startups and other businesses.


Financial Risks for Agriculture Businesses in a Time of Uncertainty

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, gave this keynote speech in Fort Worth, Texas, to AgriBank in early March 2023. Mr. Schenker's economic, financial, and geopolitical speech immediately preceded a speech by former President George W. Bush. As always, Jason Schenker's remarks were nonpartisan.


Tectonic Economic, Financial, and Technological Shifts Shaping the Decade Ahead

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, discusses economic, financial, and technological shifts, risks, and opportunities for the decade ahead. This clip comes from a virtual keynote speech Jason Schenker gave to the AICPA and CIMA conference in December 2022.


Economic, Financial Market, and Material Handling Outlook in a Time of Uncertainty

Jason Schenker, Chairman of The Futurist Institute and President of Prestige Economics, discusses key economic themes and expectations in October 2022. This clip comes from a keynote speech Jason Schenker gave at the MHI Annual Conference to hundreds of executives and leaders in material handling industries that contribute around $200 billion in annual economic impact to the U.S. economy.


The Future of International Relations After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of International Relations After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


Jason Schenker - #1 Financial Futurist

Jason Schenker is the Chairman of The Futurist Institute and one of the most accurate financial market forecasters in the world. As President of Prestige Economics, Bloomberg News has ranked Jason the #1 forecaster in the world in 26 different categories since 2011, including for his forecasts of crude oil prices, natural gas prices, industrial metals prices, agricultural prices, U.S. jobs, and U.S. New Home Sales. Jason is the author of over 20 books, including 11 best sellers. Some of his best sellers include The Future of Finance is Now, Futureproof Supply Chain, The Future of Energy, and Jobs for Robots. Since 2004, Jason has been a frequent keynote speaker on the lecture circuit as well as a regular guest on CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Television.


Jason Schenker on CNN discussing his new book - After the COVID Vaccine

This video is an excerpt from First Move With Julia Chatterley where Jason Schenker talks about his outlook for the U.S economy in the post-COVID Vaccine world and discusses his new book After the COVID Vaccine.


Jason Schenker Presents his Outlook for Ferrous Markets in a Climate of Global Economic Uncertainty

Jason Schenker is the World's Leading Financial Futurist. This video is the presentation, Outlook for Ferrous Markets in a Climate of Global Economic Uncertainty, given by Jason Schenker in May 2016 at the Bureau of International Recycling World Recycling Convention and Exhibition in Berlin, Germany. Jason discusses several economic data points, what they mean, and how they impact the overall US Economy and the Ferrous Markets.


Jason Schenker Walk-on Sizzle Reel

Jason Schenker is the Chairman of The Futurist Institute and one of the most accurate financial market forecasters in the world. As President of Prestige Economics, Bloomberg News has ranked Jason the #1 forecaster in the world in 26 different categories since 2011, including for his forecasts of crude oil prices, natural gas prices, industrial metals prices, agricultural prices, U.S. jobs, and U.S. New Home Sales. Jason is the author of over 20 books, including 11 best sellers. Some of his best sellers include The Future of Finance is Now, Futureproof Supply Chain, The Future of Energy, and Jobs for Robots. Since 2004, Jason has been a frequent keynote speaker on the lecture circuit as well as a regular guest on CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Television.


Jason Schenker - Walkon Sizzle Reel from November 2019

Jason Schenker is the Chairman of The Futurist Institute and one of the most accurate financial market forecasters in the world. As President of Prestige Economics, Bloomberg News has ranked Jason the #1 forecaster in the world in 26 different categories since 2011, including for his forecasts of crude oil prices, natural gas prices, industrial metals prices, agricultural prices, U.S. jobs, and U.S. New Home Sales. Jason is the author of over 20 books, including 11 best sellers. Some of his best sellers include The Future of Finance is Now, Futureproof Supply Chain, The Future of Energy, and Jobs for Robots. Since 2004, Jason has been a frequent keynote speaker on the lecture circuit as well as a regular guest on CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Television.


Data Risks and Opportunities in the Boardroom and Beyond - Jason Schenker

This is a video of Jason Schenker's presentation on Data Risks and Opportunities in the Boardroom and Beyond filmed at the 2019 NACD Global Board Leaders’ Summit.


Disruptions Real or Imagined - The Future of Transportation - Jason Schenker at Transparency18

In this video Jason Schenker discusses the Future of Transportation and how it will affect multiple industries. Jason Schenker is the Chairman of The Futurist Institute and one of the most accurate financial market forecasters in the world. As President of Prestige Economics, Bloomberg News has ranked Jason the #1 forecaster in the world in 26 different categories since 2011, including for his forecasts of crude oil prices, natural gas prices, industrial metals prices, agricultural prices, U.S. jobs, and U.S. New Home Sales. Jason is the author of over 20 books, including 11 best sellers. Some of his best sellers include The Future of Finance is Now, Futureproof Supply Chain, The Future of Energy, and Jobs for Robots. Since 2004, Jason has been a frequent keynote speaker on the lecture circuit as well as a regular guest on CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Television.


The Future of Work After the COVID-19 Pandemic - Video #1

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Work After the Covid-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis..


The Future of Work After the COVID-19 Pandemic - Video #2

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Work After the Covid-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future After COVID-19 with Jason Schenker

The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts on business, the economy, and society. But what comes next? In this talk, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the experience of COVID-19 is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, and more. Jason Schenker | President of Prestige Economics and Chairman of The Futurist Institute Jason Schenker is the President of Prestige Economics and Chairman of The Futurist Institute. He has been top-ranked by Bloomberg News for his forecast accuracy and he often appears on Bloomberg Television. Jason is the author of 24 books, including The Future After COVID as well as Strategic Cost-Cutting After COVID: How to Improve Profitability in a Post-Pandemic World.


The Future of Agriculture After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Agriculture After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Energy After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Energy After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Travel and Leisure After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Travel and Leisure After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Finance After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Finance After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Leadership After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Leadership After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Media After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Media After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of National Security After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of International Relations After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Real Estate After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Real Estate After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Supply Chain After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Supply Chain After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of ESG and Sustainability After the COVID-19 Pandemic

This video is an excerpt from The Future of ESG and Sustainability After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis


The Future of Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic - Video #1

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


The Future of Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic - Video #2

This video is an excerpt from The Future of Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic which is a part of The Futurist Institute’s latest course, The Future After COVID. In the video series The Future After COVID, Chairman of The Futurist Institute, Jason Schenker, offers a futurist perspective into the potential long-term changes, challenges, and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to present for over a dozen different critical fields and industries, including the future of work, education, healthcare, supply chain, finance, energy, national security, and more. This video series includes a discussion of futurist expectations as well as how to craft and communicate your own futurist expectations and forecasts in a time of crisis.


OPEC Oil Market Insight with Top Oil Forecaster Jason Schenker

Top-Ranked Economist and Financial Futurist, Jason Schenker, speaks in an interview as part of the Oil Market insight Report with Eithne Treanor in Vienna, Austria - November 2017


OPEC Meeting Preview from Prestige Economics

Global growth and oil demand have strengthened. Meanwhile, oil inventories have fallen toward the five-year average. What does this mean for OPEC and oil prices?